How to use this app?
Click on the L buttons above, to set the card's color highlight. If "Randomly generate enemies" is checked, clicking on an L button will also generate new enemy stats, overwriting all current values on the card.
Click on the enemy type symbol, the enemy picture and the manoeuvre dice to change them.
Click on text to edit it. You can use the TAB key to jump between text fields.
Click "Insert Picture" to load a custom enemy picture from your hard drive (3:2 aspect ratio recommended).
Press "Save Card" to download the card as a PNG image file. When printed, a card's size should be 88mm x 65.5mm / 3.5in x 2.5in. If you use Google Docs, I've made a print template for you here.
Keyboard shortcuts (if enabled)
1-0: Buttons L1-L10
q,w,e,r: Change manoeuvre dice
t: Change enemy type
i: Insert custom enemy picture
s: Save card
h: Show/hide this help text
Interrupt types
(M) = Movement interrupt (ignored from combat round 7 onwards)
(A) = Armour interrupt
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2024-05-13 v1.0.8
This website is provided as-is. Use at your own risk.
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"Enemy Card Designer" is an independent production by and is not affiliated with DR Games or Toby Lancaster. It is published under the 2D6 Dungeon Third Party License.
"2D6 Dungeon" is copyright of DR Games and Toby Lancaster.
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Preview art by midjourney.
Character names by ChatGPT.
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PNGs are rendered with html2canvas.
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