Rallyman: DIRT
by Jean-Christophe Bouvier, 2011 (BGG)
Interactive Solo Player Aid by ggbgg2k
v1.02, 2022-02-15, CC 4.0 BY-NC

Spare Tire:
Sp. Tire Penalty: sec.
Gear Damage (0-4):
Accel. Damage (0-2):

Loss Of Control:
← Off-road left!

Gear Damage:

- Click to roll.
- Click Basic button to switch to Time Attack, then select dice and click Roll.

- Circles can be clicked to toggle damage, but the player aid manages this automatically too.
- Choose the ground type via the drop-down list.

- Click Gear cards 1-5 to put them on the Chrono Pile (right side, with time underneath)
- Click Chrono Pile to flip last card for damage resolution.
- Click K to draw shortcut card. Click again to discard it.
- Click Tire or SISU to use them
- If you have enough Tokens, click $ and then on a die, to buy a safe roll.

- Click Next Turn to end turn.
- Click Finish (twice) to end the race.

Keyboard Shortcuts:
ENTER: Toggle between Dice and Gear Cards (red line appears).
1-9: Roll/select dice 1-9, when focus is on Dice (red line).
A, B or R: Toggle between Basic and Time Attack and roll Time Attack dice (ENTER will also roll Time Attack dice).
0: Toggle Time Token spending.
1-5: Draw Gear cards 1-5, when focus is on Cards (red line).
F: Flip card on Chrono Pile for Gear damage resolution.
0-2: Damage 0, -1 or -2, while resolving Gear damage.
K: Draw K card.
T: Use Spare Tire card.
S: Use SISU card.
N: Next turn.
Q: Finish race (press twice).
H: Hide red line.

Sequence of Play:
1: Optional: Use Spare Tire.
2: Select Basic or Time Attack mode.
3: Roll dice.
3.1: Draw K card when taking a Shortcut.
3.2: Optional: Before a Basic die roll, spend Tokens for a safe die roll ($ button + die button).
3.3: Optional: After Loss of Control (LoC), play SISU card to cancel LoC
4: Click on Gear 1-5 card to place it on the Chrono Pile.
4.1: If LoC occured, click the Gear Card on the Chrono Pile to flip it and resolve damage.
5. Click Next Turn or Finish.