Games by Felix

I'm Felix and I like to create games and player-aids. Click on the links below to discover them.


Squirrel Tactics


BattleTechTalismanIronsworn & Starforged2D6 DungeonHostile SoloAcross A Thousand Dead WorldsBroken ShoresRallymanD-Day DiceDog SectorOperation Compass

Squirrel Tactics

Squirrel Tactics is a family-friendly hex and counter conflict simulation. You could also call it a tactical level wargame, but without the nasty subject.

In this game two squirrel families try to collect and bury as many nuts as possible, before winter sets in. In the process they have to use the terrain to their advantage, block the opponent from reaching nuts, steal each other's nuts and also throw a nut or two at each other every once in a while. It's mad family-friendly fun, even for the most seasoned Grognard.

Download at Wargame Vault
Page on Board Game Geek
Video Demo on YouTube

Players: 2
Age: 10+
Time: 1 hour
Print & Play: 3 pages
Other Requirements: 2 six-sided dice

Classic BattleTech

GATOR & LOS Trainer

This free web app lets you practice GATOR calculations and the BattleTech Total Warfare LOS rules on your phone, tablet or desktop PC.

Open the GATOR Trainer

RECOG Trainer

Practice your BattleMech recognition skills with this free web app.

Open the RECOG Trainer

Weapons Quiz

A free web app that quizzes you on Inner Sphere and Clan weaponry. Also made for the phone screen, so that you can practice wherever you are.

Open the Weapons Quiz

BattleTech Player-Aid

This free PDF collects the most important Classic BattleTech tables onto just two pages, presented with a very simple, better readable layout. It also includes brief descriptions of common procedures, like calculating damage, reducing movement ranges, etc.

Download the Classic BattleTech Player-Aid PDF (v1.08)

Circuit Sim 3K - BattleTech Solo Rules

A simple and fun ruleset I came up with, to learn Classic BattleTech and practice it solitaire.

BattleTech Solo Rules on Wargame Vault

Travel Tech

A free/pay-what-you-want print-and-play setup that allows you to play games like BattleTech on the go on A4 hex maps and with cardboard chits instead of miniatures.

Travel Tech on Wargame Vault

Talisman Dragon Master

An interactive player-aid that helps you streamline parts of the Talisman 4E Dragon expansion. It virtually shuffles all Dragon tokens, draws them for you, places scale tokens on the Dragon cards and crowns new Dragon kings automatically.

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Ironsworn & Ironsworn: Starforged

Two comprehensive player-aids, that allow you to play Ironsworn and Starforged on your Amazon kindle or other e-readers or tablets.

Ironswoosh on DriveThruRPG
Starswoosh on DriveThruRPG

Hostile Solo

A player-aid PDF that's both printer-friendly and hyperlinked for e-readers, like the Scribe, iPad, etc. It includes not just rules, tables and rulebook page references, but also compact character sheets and space for notes, so that you can play Hostile Solo right inside the player-aid document (printed as a booklet, or digitally).

Hostile Solo Player-Aid on DriveThruRPG

2D6 Dungeon

Enemy Card Designer

This interactive web app lets you generate and edit your own 2D6 Dungeon enemies easily, right inside your web browser. You can save your monster cards as image files and even print them, to build up your own individual roster of fearful foes for the dungeon crawler RPG.

Open the Card Designer

Character Sheets

A condensed re-design of Toby Lancaster's 2D6 Dungeon RPG Character Sheets in A5 paper size.

Download the PDF (v2.00)
Download the PDF (v2.00 form-fillable)
Download the PDF (v1.02)
Download the PDF (v1.01)
Download the PDF (v1.00)

Across A Thousand Dead Worlds

A printer-friendly player-aid PDF that summarizes the rules and offers a table index and pages references for the main rule book.

ATDW Player-Aid on DriveThruRPG

Broken Shores

A hyperlinked player-aid PDF made for e-reader tablets, like the Amazon kindle, that provides your with step-by-step gameplay instructions and oracle tables, to streamline your pen & paper RPG adventures.

Broken Shores Player-Aid on DriveThruRPG


An interactive player-aid that takes care of stat tracking and dice rolls. It includes a log in ISGOYTRA format too.

Open the Player-Aid
Thread on Board Game Geek

D-Day Dice

An interactive player-aid that lets you play D-Day Dice solo without the physical stat tracker, cards and dice. You only need the maps and a unit marker.

Open the Player-Aid
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Dog Sector

An interactive player-aid that guides you through the phases of each turn. It automates some dice rolls (like the American Unit Landing), offers virtual dice for all game situations, records some statistics and provides a template for quick and easy after action reports. This will let you focus more on important tactical decisions and on the general action, while keeping AI management to a minimum.

Open the Player-Aid
Thread on Board Game Geek

Operation Compass: North Africa, December 1940

Interactive Player-Aid

An interactive player-aid that guides you through the game’s Bombardment, Combat and Retreat phases, which require dice rolls and DRM calculations. It automates those tasks as much as possible, letting you focus even more on important tactical decisions and on the general action.
All calculations are saved in an AAR text log, which can be freely edited and annotated by the player.
You won’t need physical dice to play Operation Compass with this player-aid and you will also not need the Allied and Italian ground support counters.

Open the Player-Aid
Thread on Board Game Geek

Player-Aid PDF

This player-aid aims to put all tables, DRM calculation instructions and important additional information on a single A4 page for easy reference.
The right side of the page describes the combat resolution. At the top you have the CRT DRM calculation with all necessary information, so you shouldn’t need to consult other tables or rulebook pages. You can just go from top to bottom.
On the left side you also find the Italian retreat rules for turns 3 - 7.
Terrain types are named according to the game map key.

Download the Player-Aid PDF
Thread on Board Game Geek

2024 -